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Friday, February 17, 2006

Syllabus for the 2nd Semester, SY 05-06

科目概要(Course Description)
This course is designed for fourth year students of 2-year college program. The pedagogy takes the form of classroom activities in which students discuss, read, and write together within a thematic context. Through readings and discussions, students explore cultural, social and linguistic issues. Students apply what they have learned by doing task-based collaborative projects which also enhance their learning skills and creativity.

教學目標(Course Objectives)

  • To facilitate a critical thinking approach that emphasizes interactions across boundaries based on ethnicity, national origin, language communities, social class, gender, sexual orientation, and other cultural identities.
  • To encourage students to make connections and comparisons between the issues being discussed and their own experience and communities.
  • To explore moral dimensions behind fundamental local and global issues.
    To let students become aware of their skills and abilities helping them achieve their full potential.

評量方式與評分比例分配(Evaluation Criteria&Grading)
Oral presentations: 30% (15-20 minutes)
Mid-term exam: 20%
Final exam: 25%
Attendance & Participation: 10%
Quizzes: 15%

課堂要求(Course Requirement& Attendance Policies)
1. Students are required to participate actively in class and e-forum.
2. Students are expected to wear appropriate attire when making presentations.
3. Cell phones and beepers should be turned off in class.
4. Being late for more than 15 minutes will be considered an absence.
5. Absences are only allowed if doctors’ written notes are provided.
6. More than three unexcused absences will result in failure in the course.
7. There will be no make-up presentations/quizzes/tests.

Blanton & Lee. 1995. The Multicultural Workshop, Heinle & Heinle

Language and Culture by Claire Kramsch, 2001, Oxford
Encountering Cultures in a Changing World, 2nd ed, Richard Holeton, 1995, Blaire Press
Online Resources


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