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Tuesday, December 06, 2005



A look at your own culture through poetry. Choose a poem that has influenced you a lot. In what ways do you relate to the message of the poem. In what ways is the poem relevant to your situation and/or the environment that you live in. Does it reflect in anyway the Taiwanese culture? You may choose a poem written by a Chinese author, present the original work together with an English translation.


1. Individual members must present.
2. Read the poem twice during the presentation: once in the beginning and the other near the end of your presentation.
3. Save and burn your presentation materials on a CD (paper -.dc file, poweropint file, video (if any), photos (if any).
4. Prepare a written version of your presentation, this should include your group's analysis of the poem. This final paper will be submitted to the Department.
5. Be CREATIVE- the manner of presentation must show effort in preparing your work, ingenuity, and imagination.
6. Your final grade for the proejct is based on both individual contributions and group grade.
7. Make your presentation as lively as possible. Think of ways to engage your classmates during your entire presentation. Give them some comprehension questions perhaps? Activities? Games?

Any questions. Post a comment or send me an email.



At 12:08 PM, Anonymous Aeriel Miranda said...

Thanks great blog


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