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Tuesday, December 27, 2005

Links to Speeches

Women's Speeches around the world

Great Speeches Collection

US Presidential Speeches

The White Shouse Presidential Speeches

Famous Speeches, US

History and POlitics, Out Loud

Department of Defense, Speeches

Speeches of John, Robert and Edward Kennedy

Library Spot


Sunday, December 25, 2005

Rules on choosing your speeches

The following speeches (and analysis on rhetorical devices) are available online. These speeches should not be considered for submission:

"I have a dream!" - Martin Luther King Jnr.

Inaugural Address - President John F Kennedy

"Fight them on the beaches" - Sir Winston Churchill

9/11 Speech (excerpt) - President George W Bush

General Patton's address to the Third Army on the eve of the D-Day Invasion

Lincoln's Gettysburg Address

Elizabeth I's speech to the English army on the eve of the Spanish Armada

"The Iron Curtain" - Sir Winston Churchill

Links to I have a dream speech

The following is designed as an independent lesson to foster critical thinking over Dr. Martin Luther King's "I Have a Dream" speech, click here

Rhetorical analysis

Links to Rhetorical Devices

A rhetorical device is a technique of using language that will increase the persuasiveness of a piece of writing.

argument and persuasion - rhetorical devices, click here.

Rhetorical Tools, click here

The Art of Rhetoric, or 'How to Speak Like Winston Churchill', click here.

Terms of Rhetoric, click here.

Stylistic Devices, click here.

Figure of Speech from Wikipedia, click here

The Language of Oratory, here

Monday, December 19, 2005

From E-how

If you have something to say, say it!
Click here for more

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How to write a letter to the Editor

From Human Rights CampaignTips for writing a letter

The letters to the editor section of your local paper is an ideal forum for sharing your opinion and story with the local community. In addition, it is one of the first pages many elected officials turn to. Letters to the editor show that an issue is of concern to the community and are excellent tools for education. Here are a few guidelines for getting your letter to the editor printed.

Localize your letter -- explain how marriage equality will affect you or people you know in your community. Include examples of discrimination you or others have faced as a result of discriminatory marriage laws.
Make your letter timely - if the newspaper has recently printed a story or column about the issue of marriage and same-sex couples, you can reference the article and use it as a springboard for your letter.
Keep your letter short and to the point -- 250 words maximum.
Your letter should carry its most important message in the first paragraph.
Include your name, address and daytime phone number. Editors like to call to confirm that the letter was actually written by the person whose name appears on the letter.
Limit the number of points you make, and stay on the same subject.
Don't be disappointed if your letter does not get printed. Newspapers get many letters every day and can't print all of them. Most papers won't print the same writers over and over again. Therefore, if you have had a letter published recently, try to get a friend or co-worker to sign the next one.

Don't be afraid to ask for action -- tell readers what you want them to do. This includes your elected representatives; you can be sure they read the letters to the editor.

HRC's field team is ready and willing to proofread your letter and to offer feedback and comments. You can e-mail a draft of your letter to HRC's field organizers - just click here to look up field organizers in your region. Be sure to include the name and state of the newspaper that you are planning to submit the letter to.

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2. Find local newspapers in your area

Just click here to search for local newspapers in your area. It is a good idea to confirm with the newspaper directly at what e-mail or snail mail address they accept letters.

China Posts

China Post's Letter to the Editor Posted by Picasa

Click here for more

How to Write an Editorial?

What is an Editorial:

An editorial is one of the writing styles used to express an opinion or reaction to timely news, event or an issue of concern. Most editorials are used to influence readers to think or act the same way the writer does. Posted by Picasa

Click here for more.

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

The Sea as a Man

The amount of solid waste produced in the Taiwan area has increased significantly due to the island’s rapid industrial and economic development. According to the EPA, the amount of household garbage produced in Taiwan on average increased from 0.770 kilograms per person daily in 1986 to 0.895 kilograms in 2001.
The Kaoping River, one of the main sources of drinking water in southern Taiwan, was seriously polluted by the illegal dumping of toxic chemical solvents last July. Truck drivers hired by the waste handler Shengli discharged more than 100 tons of chemical solvents, including xylene, into the river.
The illegal dumping caused serious water pollution, leaving millions of residents without tap water for days.

Watch the group's powerpoint presentation, click the play button.


This photostory was done by Kimmy, a student from my Language and Culture class as a partial fulfillment for our understanding language and culture through poetry project. Their group chosen poem is "Scars".

Click the play button to watch. [Please be patient, it takes a while to download)

The video below is the group's powerpoint presentation. Click the play button to watch.

Tuesday, December 06, 2005



A look at your own culture through poetry. Choose a poem that has influenced you a lot. In what ways do you relate to the message of the poem. In what ways is the poem relevant to your situation and/or the environment that you live in. Does it reflect in anyway the Taiwanese culture? You may choose a poem written by a Chinese author, present the original work together with an English translation.


1. Individual members must present.
2. Read the poem twice during the presentation: once in the beginning and the other near the end of your presentation.
3. Save and burn your presentation materials on a CD (paper -.dc file, poweropint file, video (if any), photos (if any).
4. Prepare a written version of your presentation, this should include your group's analysis of the poem. This final paper will be submitted to the Department.
5. Be CREATIVE- the manner of presentation must show effort in preparing your work, ingenuity, and imagination.
6. Your final grade for the proejct is based on both individual contributions and group grade.
7. Make your presentation as lively as possible. Think of ways to engage your classmates during your entire presentation. Give them some comprehension questions perhaps? Activities? Games?

Any questions. Post a comment or send me an email.


Slum in Manila

Manila Posted by Picasa

Click here for more photos.

Slum area in Caracas, Venezuela

Caracas, Venezuela, Posted by Picasa

Click here for more info.

Slums in Peru

Slum area in Peru Posted by Picasa

For more on slums in Peru, click here.

The Greenbelt Movement

Wangari Maathai's Greenbelt Movement  Posted by Picasa