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Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Assignment for Sept. 28

In connection to the readings and discussions that we have in class, I've created a discussion forum where you could post your ideas and opinions. This forum is similar to the E-course that we have at Wen Zao. The only and I should say 'huge' difference with this new forum is that it allows other people (aside from your classmates) to participate in our discussion. I've invited colleagues of mine from different parts of the globe to post their comments and opinions about the readings that we have. I hope that this will motivate you to write and participate in the online discussion. You could monitor the discussion thread by going to this url:

I look forward to reading your responses!


Sunday, September 25, 2005

"There was a young woman who swallowed a lie..."

(illustrated satirical poem). [Pittsburgh: Know, Inc., nd.] pg.1. Posted by Picasa

Tax, Meridith. "There was a young woman who swallowed a lie..."

Read the text, click here

Then read the illustrated text:

Click here.


Fluff- lacking in meaning or substance : SUPERFICIAL
Go to Merriam-Webster

Spock- Pronunciation: 'späk
Function: biographical name
Benjamin McLane 1903-1998 American physician; wrote The Common Sense Book of Baby and Child Care, ubiquitous guide to the rearing of children; later became avid pacifist
Go to Meriam-Webster

Flock- a group, a large number

Regurgitate- to throw or pour back or out from
See Webster

Listen to the song, click here.
Link to website, click here.


Reactions to the literary text.

Documents from the Women's Liberation Movement
An On-line Archival Collection
Special Collections Library, Duke University (click the link above)

I want a wife by Judy Brady

Judy Brady Posted by Picasa

Judy (Syfers) Brady, "Why [Still] I Want a Wife"

Judy Brady (1937- ) was born in San Francisco and earned a B.F.A. from the University of Iowa in 1962. Brady's a feminist, a political and environmental activist—especially having to do with cancer-related issues, and a freelance writer. She's edited both Women and Cancer (1990) and One in Three: Women with Cancer Confront an Epidemic (1991). Brady's work has also appeared in periodicals such as Greenpeace Magazine and The Women's Review of Books. Her classic satirical essay "Why I Want a Wife" was first published in the first issue of Ms. Magazine in 1972 and reprinted as "Why I [Still] Want a Wife" in Ms. in 1990.

Vocabulary Activity


What is the main subject of the second paragraph?
How does the author describe a wife's role regarding sexual needs?
How are household chores broken down in this essay? Generalize them, and then give examples.
According to Brady, what are a wife's social duties?
What does this essay say, and imply, about divorce? How do the sex roles presented define divorce?

Engaging the text

Do you want a wife? Explain. How might you relate your feelings about this topic to your reading?


1. Does this essay suggest that marriage is a defunct institution? Write an essay using that general proposition as your thesis, stated either positively or negatively. Then, using your reading and your own views, thoroughly support your position.

2. Write a similar text, but describing the supposed role of a husband

3. Is Brady attacking marriage itself? Write an essay in which you explain why mariage is right or wrong for you now or at any time.


Online Text: I want a Wife by Judy Brady

Setting up a Blog for LC

Test. I hope this works.